How is the number of domiciled persons allocated?

We look at the number of domiciled persons on 1 January of the year to which the water consumption relates.

Example: on 4 April 2022, a child is born in your family, which changes the family situation from 2 to 3 domiciled persons. We are still offering a discount for 2 domiciled persons on the 2022 water consumption. As of 1 January 2023, your child will also count, and you will therefore receive a discount for 3 domiciled persons.

If your family situation changes during the year (due to a birth, death, divorce, etc.), you do not have to let us know yourself. We receive this data automatically.

If you move house or in the case of a new drinking water supply pipe, we will base the calculation on the date of declaration of choice of domicile to allocate the number of domiciled persons.

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